Wednesday, February 19, 2014

February 19, 2014

Dear Chi State Members,

It's been awhile since I posted to this blog. Much has been happening in Chi State during this time!  At the end of January, the Chi State Leadership Development Committee facilitated the annual Leadership Retreat. The whole event focused on putting "peace" in our lives or letting it go to "pieces." Those in attendance heard from two outstanding speakers: Juliette Marsh Williams and Ellen Contente. Both spoke to us about the need to keep balance in our lives. The Committee provided a great variety of activities including Zumba!

The Leadership Development Committee with speakers, Julie Marsh Williams and Ellen Contente.

Attendees work together to assemble the pieces!

Lunch was served under a sunny sky!

Then at the beginning of February, I was delighted to attend the Area XIII conference and then the Area XI conference. Both were well attended and provided those in attendance an opportunity to hear outstanding authors (Lisa See and Lian Dolan) as speakers.  If you haven't attended an Area event, plan to do so. Going to one of these helps you to get a sense of the larger world outside of your Chapter.

I've been receiving the biennial reports from Chapter Presidents. It has been most interesting reading all that is happening across Chi State. In answer to the question,  "Does your Chapter support a project for early-career educators?" Some of the answers included:
  • New teacher "goodie" bags
  • Helped a first year teacher set up her classroom
  • Honor second year BTSA teachers
  • Selected a new teacher for mentoring. The classroom had no books or supplies. The Chapter donated four boxes of books, purchased classroom supplies, tracked down missing curricula, cooked a meal for her family, and presented her at a Chapter meeting.
  •  A "membership" meeting as an orientation to our Chapter.  Attendees received a $50 check for classroom supplies for attending the meeting.  One person joined the Chapter that night!
In response to how they are strengthening their Chapter, presidents answered:
  • Valuing each member
  • Providing interesting meetings
  • Using "Sister" members; pair up a new member with a seasoned member
  • Personally call members who did not attend a meeting
  • Retired members provide a potluck dinner for working members
  • Validating accomplishments
  • Making each committee responsible for one meeting
The final question on the report asked what made the president the most proud of the Chapter and its members.  Overwhelmingly the presidents reported they are proud of the caring and support their members provide for each other. Oh, so very true!

Until next time...

Judy Kearns
Chi State President, 2013-2015