It has been awhile since I posted and I apologize. As many of you will most likely agree, I don't know where the time goes!
Right now I am getting ready to leave on a trip with my husband and then head to Indiana for the DKG 2014 International Convention. I always look forward to gatherings of our Society because it provides an opportunity to participate in a gathering of true professionals. The idea of professionalism is what sets Delta Kappa Gamma apart from other organizations. We are not a "club"-----we are a society of professional educators.
This is the time of year when Chapters are planning programs for next year. I would urge you to take this chance to provide some professional growth opportunities for your members. By doing so you are also providing a chance to promote the Society to non-members. If you can get a speaker or a working teacher who is an expert in a field, invite non-members and let them see DKG in action. You might consider combining with another Chapter for such a program.
What's that you say? Many of your members are retired and not actively in the classroom? I would offer that a true professional never really retires. She still cares deeply about education and is interested in what is happening.
The key is to have a balance in your Chapter--professional opportunities and project opportunities. Too much of either does not present your members the variety they seek in an organization.
Another hallmark of being a professional is to recognize the support others provide you. An outstanding example of this is Epsilon Pi Chapter in Area I. Each year this Chapter holds an annual brunch to which they invite representatives from professions that enhance the lives of children. This year they chose to invite the Custodians and Maintenance workers from schools around Humboldt County. What a wonderful recognition of those who we all know we cannot do without!! Every classroom teacher recognizes how important the custodians and maintenance workers are. These are the vital individuals who keep our classrooms safe and clean for all of us, students and teachers alike.
I applaud Epsilon Pi for this recognition of these critical school employees. Not only do they keep our classrooms running smoothly so we can do what we do best, teach, they also provide powerful role models for our students. They take the time to make children feel cared for and special.
Recently your Chi State Leadership Team gathered for their summer planning session. Leaders from throughout the state met to plan and also receive training in all things DKG. The Leadership Development Committee provided modules which members of the Leadership Team will be bringing to your Chapter. All you have to do is let your Area Director know you
would like them to come to your Chapter and they will be there!
Also during the Summer Leadership Planning Session, the entire Leadership Team participated in a recommitment ceremony. This re-dedication to the Purposes, Mission, and Vision of Delta Kappa Gamma is a very powerful thing. This is something I think all Chapters should do at the beginning of each new biennium. Too often we forget why we joined and this is a lovely reminder of why we chose this professional organization.
Until next time,
Judy Kearns
Chi State President, 2013-2015
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