Monday, September 23, 2013

September 24, 2013

Dear Chi State Members,

Yesterday my family and I bid adieu to summer by visiting one of the beaches in Southern California.  We did the traditional roasting of hot dogs and creating smores.  It was a beautiful So Cal afternoon, slight breeze, clear skies, temperature was just right. There were very few people around to enjoy the perfect afternoon. We were some of the lucky ones!

As I relaxed and absorbed my surroundings, I noticed several times that groups of birds would  fly over where we were sitting.  Sometimes there were about 10 birds, other times there were 20 or more. But always they flew in unison, soaring and gliding together. It was really quite interesting to watch them. As they glided, I would see one flap its wings, then another, then another. Then they would all glide together. By benefiting from the upwash of each other, they were able to glide and maintain their height even when not flapping their wings.  When they did flap, it was purposeful--to help each other stay in flight.

Watching these wonders of nature made me think of our Chapters. When all members are "flapping" together, the Chapter can soar and glide, keep its height and achieve great things. When some members don't flap, others lose their momentum and can fall out of line. Everyone needs to do a little to keep the line moving and gliding. One member alone cannot keep all the others in flight and gliding. It is important for the flock (Chapter) that all birds (members) flap with purpose and provide the upwash needed by others to be successful.

As newsletters arrive, I am so excited to read about Chapters who are keeping each other and their communities in flight:
  • Zeta Sigma in Area XIII, filled backpacks for needy children and distributed them at local schools.  The children were so excited, the smiles on their faces said it all.
  • Delta Epsilon in Area XIV also filled backpacks.  This Chapter filled and distributed 70 backpacks.  Members take the backpacks to their respective schools to give to children in need.
  • Zeta Beta in Area III recently had a speaker from the Ronald McDonald House come to their meeting. The Chapter has donated Jared Boxes and food to RM House.  They plan to go and cook a meal for the families staying there in the future.
  •  Tau in Area XVII is helping a new teacher in need obtain books for her classroom.
  • Beta Delta in Area X reminds members of the reasons they are part of DKG: You are open to change; You want to be empowered; You draw inspiration from others; You have your own sense of style. Wouldn't those reminders make you want to flap your wings and help others glide to excellence?!?
  • Epsilon Beta in Area I collects toiletries to give to a local rescue mission or to a women's shelter, appropriately called The Rose. Each meeting each member brings one can of food for a local food bank. This Chapter also fills bags for teachers at a local school.  The bags are filled with goodies for the teachers.  AND each bag is embroidered by member, Karen Kendall, who helps the Chapter spread the word about Delta Kappa Gamma to local teachers.
  • Eta in Area XII has decided to adopt a school in Long Beach.  Bret Harte will be the focus of members volunteering and assistance.  What a great way to show non-members what DKG is about, not just tell them or hand them a brochure.
  • Beta Phi member Shelly Stewart in Area XIV helped lift her members through an excellent article in their newsletter about the Common Core Standards. She provided great information as well as resources for those who wish to explore more about the CCS.
The members of DKG in Chi State are flying high and flapping their wings with purpose for sure! 

My husband and I are off to New Jersey to help his mother celebrate her 104th birthday.  Amazing, eh? She is a sharp little lady who lifts us all with her love and goodness.

Until next time,

Judy Kearns
Chi State President, 2013-2015

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