Wednesday, July 24, 2013

July 23, 2013

Dear Chi State Members,

I just returned from the Southwest Regional Conference in Branson, Missouri.  What a privilege it was to represent you at this event. It was well organized and offered great speakers and opportunities for personal and professional growth.  Chi State's own Heidi Chadwick, 2003-2005 Chi State President, had a wonderful team who presented a flawless Conference.  If you haven't attended a Regional Conference, make plans now to attend the 2015 one in Witchita, Kansas. 

Prior to the beginning of the conference, Executive Secretary, Sue Noyes (Iota Sigma, Area II) and myself attended two and a half days of training.  It was an incredible experience to meet the other presidents from the Region.  There were 22 presidents and nine (9) Executive Secretaries in the training. The International Leadership Development Committee and staff from Society headquarters presented interesting and enriching sessions.  The time spent was very worthwhile. Networking with the other presidents gave me a new cadre of friends who will provide  assistance to Chi State as we move forward.
Presidents of the Southwest Region

One of our training sessions focused on the surge of social media in our world and what it means to us as an organization.  Dr. Linda Eller, Communications Services Administrator, presented an interesting You Tube about social media.  I've included a link to the You Tube video she shared so you can watch it for yourself:
Some of the facts presented are amazing! Think about how you can use this information as you work to include members of different generations.  You might also think of how to use the data to attract potential members who communicate in a manner that differs from the traditional.

We are so blessed in our Region to have so many of the Latin American countries and Japan as part of us.  Meeting these outstanding women educators from other states and countries was so invigorating.  I was once again humbled to realize I am a part of the same Society as they.  What an honor! The ladies from Japan enriched us by demonstrating how to dress someone in a kimono.  Dr. Beverly Helms, International President, was selected to be the model.  What a process that is!

And we were entertained by members from Guatemala and Jalisco as they performed dances specific to their country and culture.

All of we presidents agreed that membership will be a major focus of our biennium. Our Society has so much to offer, we want to get the word out and help others to discover the richness of DKG.  Have you in your Chapters discussed how you can reach out to others and share our Mission and Vision?  Please join me in taking a look at our membership and finding ways to increase it so the joy that is membership in Delta Kappa Gamma can be passed onto others.

Until next time...

Judy Kearns
Chi State President, 2013-2015

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July 3, 2013

Dear Chi State Members,

As of July 1, a new biennium has begun in Chi State! It is going to be an exciting one of change and advances for the California State Organization of Delta Kappa Gamma.

The members of the Chi State Leadership Team met at the Asilomar Conference Grounds from June 27 to the 30th.  Remember at our state convention in May, you all approved the restructuring of the Chi State committees?  Well, this was the first time the committees met under the new structure.  The energy generated by everyone working to change and grow was almost visible! It was so exciting to hear the conversations as people dreamed, created and shared. Some things to be looking for----a marketing plan for Chi State, links on our website for all early career educators to find support and information, a membership task force statewide that will include a diverse group of members, not just officers, a juried arts show at convention, and more and more.
The Executive Committee, who planned the Summer Leadership Session, used the Max Anderson book, Change is Good...You Go First! as a basis for the days.  Quotes and stories from the book were shared as inspirations for your leaders. Change was encouraged and applauded. With new committees, it was a perfect opportunity for changes to be made and the committees did just that.

Interestingly, I read an article in our local paper (San Gabriel Valley Tribune) about restructuring of our state agencies.  Seems our state government has eliminated or consolidated agencies and departments in order to function more effectively. The number of state agencies has been reduced from 12 to 10. Their reconfiguration will streamline the government and save money in the long run.

This is our hope for Chi State as well.  The elimination of some committees and shifting of work of others will provide for more consistency for you, the members.  Our webmaster, Stacey Chicoine has revamped the Chi State website in order to make things more accessible for you and to provide you with information about the people serving you on state committees. Take the time to electronically meet the members of your Chi State Committees.

This might be the perfect time for your Chapter to make changes as well.  Take a look at what is working and what isn't.  Remember that Chapters now have autonomy to have whatever committees they want and to call them whatever they want.  All any of us are charged with, State or Chapter, is to support the goals of International (Focus on educational excellence, Empower women, Support Early Career Educators) and its projects (Schools for Africa). Don't hold onto something just because this is how you've always done it! If it works, keep it.  If it doesn't,adjust or eliminate.

One thing the entire Leadership Team did while at Asilomar, was to create the theme for the 2013-2015 biennium as well as the themes for the next two state conventions.  The biennium theme they selected is: Set Our GPS to Excellence. The theme for the 2014 convention is Teamwork, Trust, Transition.  And the theme for the 2015 convention is Communicate, Collaborate, Celebrate. Aren't these great ideas to be our focus for these two years? We will reach that Excellence through teamwork, trust, communicating, and collaborating. Now, won't that be something to celebrate?!

One of our major focuses MUST be membership.  This is the key to our state and our Society. I shared with the leadership team that at this time, our membership in California is 5863. It would be wonderful if all of us together can raise that number to over 6000. I say all of us because membership is the job of ALL members in Chi State. But we need to think about our approach to membership differently. We need to go to potential members, we can't expect them to come to us.  We must show them who we are not just hand them a brochure. The old adage, "Actions speak louder than words," is so very true. Think of ways you and your Chapter members can show others what DKG is all about.  Younger teachers need to see and understand why membership in our Society will help them personally and professionally.

Through this "blog," I plan to highlight what is happening across our state.  If you have something going on in your Chapter that you think would interest others, let me know so I can share it.  Contact me at and let me know your thoughts and concerns. 

Until next time!

Judy Kearns
Chi State President, 2013-2015